April 2021 - Doing Our Part to Help Our Local Community Achieve Energy Goals and Greenhouse Gas Reduction!
PHE recently provided pro-bono energy benchmarking data verifications for several non-profit owned properties in Montgomery County, including churches and schools. Not only supporting the community in meeting their regulatory requirements, but also helping the County achieve energy efficiency and greenhouse gas reduction goals!
Montgomery County currently requires most buildings that are 50,000 sq ft or more in size to complete annual energy benchmarking using the EPA’s Portfolio Manager website. Once every three years, buildings must have their data reviewed and verified by an independent verifier. For buildings owned by non-profit organizations that may be unable to bear the cost of hiring an energy verifier, the County offers to connect building owners/managers with volunteers who are willing to provide these services.
To assist the County, PHE provided verification services to a private K-12 school consisting of two buildings, and church facility consisting of five separate buildings. The buildings ranged in age from 65 years old to less than 10 years old, and in size from 125,000 square feet to less than 2,000 sq ft. PHE provided support to these organizations by reviewing their data, identifying data gaps and inconsistencies, and working with their staff to resolve any discrepancies. PHE was able to successfully verify each facilities data, and walk staff through completing their data submissions to the County.
If you own or manage a building and need help with your energy benchmarking, or if you have any questions about the process, reach out to PHE today! Contact Samir Qadir at samir.qadir@phe.com.